Time management is important in any career, really in any life. There is always a balance to maintain. This being the last semester of my senior year, I am really learning the importance of time management.
Public Relations is a field of juggling. Multitasking is not an option, because something gets slighted. That is where time management comes into play. The key with great time management is to plan with such detail that it looks as though you are multitasking.
If I have learned anything this year it is to focus on one thing at a time. To plan exactly what time I am working on everything. I cannot check my email and respond every hour. I must have a specific time to respond to emails, or I will waste hours responding to emails.
I read a PR blog about the time management of a new PR Professional.
They broke down some of the important tasks to take on each day
1.) Social Media: It is timely and important to stay up date. This is something that should be scheduled in the day frequently.
2.) Editorial Work: I am constantly writing and editing differnt publications or documents. It is imperative to set aside time for this work.
3.) Look at the bigger picture and track success: With many projects going on at one time, I have to examine the progress every day.
Time management has to leave room for flexibility too. Although much of life can be scheduled in the field of PR things are ever changing and I have to be ready to change at a moments notice.