Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's All Good at Goodwill

I am really loving Goodwill right now! It's definitely an adjustment waking up at 5am to be in Macon by 7, but I have already learned so much in my first week.

Day one I jumped right in and I my Goodwill TV debut. I spoke to Fox24 about how new job seekers should be careful on Facebook . I had no idea I was going to be on camera and I learned a valuable lesson about bringing my makeup to work! :)

I am currently working on several different projects and I am most excited about interviewing the people who have success stories about their experiences with Goodwill.

The one thing I've always told myself about PR is that I only want to promote something that I feel passionate about. I think otherwise I would feel like I was selling out. Well the more I learn about Goodwill and its mission the more I fall in love with it. Goodwill's Mission is to build lives, families and communities - one job at a time - by helping people discover and develop their God -given gifts through work and career development services. You should check out this link to the website to learn more about how Goodwill lives out its mission.

I'm really happy to be there right now! It's great to love where you are and I am so excited to see what the summer brings!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The battle over beauty is one that creeps its way into every young girl’s heart. It is ingrained in our very soul. We desire to feel beautiful, to be confirmed by the world. This desire for beauty is not wrong in and of itself. The problem comes from the perverted definition of beauty. There is no definition of beauty. No one thing that makes something beautiful. Beauty is multidimensional, it is unique, it is pure and it is extraordinary.

Type the word beauty into Google and the first few results involve cosmetics and celebrities. “Buy our product to become beautiful or five simple tips to look like Angelina Jolie.”

We have allowed our beauty to be defined the world. So what’s the big deal? The big deal is that the constant desire to look “beautiful” like everyone else sets us up to be insecure and never satisfied. In the search for universal beauty we have lost our own unique beauty.

Dove is a company that provides multiple different cleansing and personal care products. In 1957 Dove was born with their beauty soap bar that was shown to be milder on skin than other cleansing products. Dove is now the number one cleansing brand. (

In 2004 Dove created The Dove Self-Esteem Fund and the Campaign for Real Beauty.

The Dove Self-Esteem Fund’s mission statement is, “The Dove Self-Esteem Fund was developed to free the next generation from self-limiting beauty stereotypes. Committed to reaching five million young women by the end of 2010, we invited you to play a role in supporting and promotion a wider definition of beauty.” (

Dove has interactive tools online that promote a healthy self-esteem. The Dove Self-Esteem Fund has self-esteem workshops that anyone can receive training for and then host a workshop themselves. Dove has distributed numerous videos that serve to promote the Campaign for Real Beauty. One of the most noted videos is the Beauty Evolution. In the video a very beautiful, but natural looking woman sits in a chair and is morphed into a supermodel. After being made over and photos taken the picture is then edited and her neck and eyes are enlarged. At the end of the video the woman looks nothing like herself and is on a billboard. The words “No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted” appear on the screen. (

Dove stands by its campaign in its advertisements. Dove has pro-age products instead of anti-aging products. Beautiful, but natural women appear in the advertisements. (

Instead of partnering with a non-profit to be socially responsible, Dove has created a brand that is promoting a new definition of beauty. Rather than just creating a product or joining a non-profit Dove has created a brand that connects on a deeply personal level with their consumer.

Dove redefined Corporate Social Responsibility. From a business standpoint, why is CSR necessary? Essentially the public does not trust corporate companies. The public needs to feel as though they have a say in the product they buy. They need to feel that the product they are investing in is a worthy cause. Because the public does not trust corporate companies, the companies must work to show that they have a trustworthy operation.

Our society is socially aware. Environment, community involvement, and global awareness have all become vital entities of running a business successfully. Public opinion of a company plays a huge role in the financial success of a business. Do companies promote their social responsibility because they want more business or is it because they genuinely care about their cause?

Redefining corporate social responsibility and beauty, Dove has its hands full. With such a huge and noble undertaking it seems unthinkable that Dove would have any critics. Not true, Dove has run into great criticism for their campaign because Dove has a little known secret.

Dove is owned by the powerhouse manufacturer Unilever. Unilever also owns Axe. This unexpected relationship discredits Dove’s attempt to redefine beauty and cheapens it to a meager advertising campaign. Unilever’s attempt to cover all the bases of marketing has compromised their integrity. (

Dove promotes unique beauty, it empowers women. Axe promotes sex and women as sexual objects. Beauty is one dimensional in an Axe commercial. The women look like blow up dolls. Axe targets men, but women see it. It seems rather counteractive to tell men that women are supposed to look like lifeless and manufactured and then tell women are that they are supposed to be unique.

Is Corporate Social Responsibility bad? Is it all a lie? No! Corporate Social Responsibility can be great. If a corporation decides to make a product that is more environmentally friendly, or decides to donate money to a homeless shelter, or chooses to redefine beauty the efforts are not a lost cause. They still can make a huge impact on society. Like any product though it is important to do your research. Every company is trying to get you to buy their product. Great cause or not, there is a form of persuasion and maybe even manipulation of emotion involved in CSR. The most important thing to remember is that Dove like any other company is a business. They are selling a product. Dove is doing a great thing with their Campaign for Real Beauty. Dove has a quality product. Buy Dove for its campaign. Buy Dove for its product. Buy Dove as an informed consumer. You choose.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Low Fat Brownies, REALLY?

Last Saturday we had our HealthyMilledgeville promotional event at Kroger. It was a huge success. The people of Milledgeville are excited to use social networking to talk about health.

At the event, Keri Allgood, Beth Benton and myself had a table at Kroger for over 2 hours and we spoke with nearly 100 people passed out promotional material as well as some healthy snacks, including low fat brownies.

Some of the people we talked to for only a few minutes informing them about the site and asking them questions about their previous knowledge of the site and their health interests. We had the incredible opportunity to really talk to quite a few people. Health is such a personal aspect of life and when people are able to open up about it creates a sense of connection.

Several people opened up about their own health struggles. It was really touching to hear their stories. That is why HealthyMilledgeville is so unique and I hope to see it expand. It is utilizing social networking a form of technology to bring people together in a personal way. Technology is can feel cold and sterile, but HealthyMilledgeville shows that it can be warm and welcoming!

Monday, April 5, 2010


This is a big week! This week I have an event for the PR campaign we, Keri Allgood and Beth Benton and I have been working on for the whole semester.

We have been working with Digital Bridges, a new grant run program that is promoting the use of technology in Milledgeville. We have been working to connect the use of technology with health. We explored many different options, but ultimately based on our research and the clients needs we developed the HealthyMilledgeville Facebook Page. This page has exploded! We currently have 490 members. HealthyMilledgeville is not about providing information, but about utilizing social networking to provide a place for locals to discuss health issues and health opportunities in Milledgeville.

We are promoting HealthyMilledgeville this Saturday at Kroger from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and we hope to encourage even more community members to join together in making Milledgeville a healthier and more technology savvy community! Come out to learn about HealthyMilledgeville, Digital Bridges and take home some yummy treats! Guiltless Brownies for the first 100 vistitors! Who says you can't eat moderation of course! :)

Be on the look out for more posts about the event and about HealthyMilledgeville.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Time Management

Time management is important in any career, really in any life. There is always a balance to maintain. This being the last semester of my senior year, I am really learning the importance of time management.

Public Relations is a field of juggling. Multitasking is not an option, because something gets slighted. That is where time management comes into play. The key with great time management is to plan with such detail that it looks as though you are multitasking.

If I have learned anything this year it is to focus on one thing at a time. To plan exactly what time I am working on everything. I cannot check my email and respond every hour. I must have a specific time to respond to emails, or I will waste hours responding to emails.

I read a PR blog about the time management of a new PR Professional.
They broke down some of the important tasks to take on each day

1.) Social Media: It is timely and important to stay up date. This is something that should be scheduled in the day frequently.

2.) Editorial Work: I am constantly writing and editing differnt publications or documents. It is imperative to set aside time for this work.

3.) Look at the bigger picture and track success: With many projects going on at one time, I have to examine the progress every day.

Time management has to leave room for flexibility too. Although much of life can be scheduled in the field of PR things are ever changing and I have to be ready to change at a moments notice.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

For best results...repeat

Dream. Research. Brainstorm. Create. Hate. Trash. Revise. Recreate. For best results...Repeat.

My personal recipe for creativity.

I was reading the blog of a PR student and was inspired to think about creativity in public relations.

Public relations is a field of creativity. Some people argue that the field of PR stifles creativity. In Public Relations you are at the mercy of the media to portray your company in whatever light they choose. They argue that this causes a PR professional to merely play the game of the media rather than use creativity. I could not disagree more.

It is a field in which you have to know your audience. Depending on who you are representing your audience might be the media, but it could also be the public. In order to create any kind of publicity you have to have something unique to draw them in. A new twist on an old company, a innovative event, a unique selling point on a story. To get the media to pay attention you might have to play by the rules: writing a press release, inviting media, preparing information for them, but in order to get the media to pay attention creativity had to take place beforehand.

Creativity can be an exhausting process. It is a personal experience, but not always a personal expression. In public relations I have learned it's really important to realize that it's not about you. You can come up with 100 different creative ideas, you've got passion them and they feel like they are a piece of you and each one can be turned down by the client or by the media. So it's back to the same process. The same exhausting, passion filled, slightly crazy, but really fun process.

Dream. Research. Brainstorm. Create. Hate. Trash. Revise. Recreate. For best results...Repeat.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Light Bulb

I am in the midst of searching for a Public Relations internship. This search has really made me think about my future and what my educational experience has prepared me for.

All through out my college career I have dreamed of working with a non-profit organization. Throughout my career as a PR student I have had the opportunity to volunteer with many non-profits and get hands on experience. Even though I had the deep desire to go into non-profit, I never really knew for sure what kind of non-profit I wanted to work with.

While preparing for my internship I have tweaked my resume several times creating a few different versions of my resume. One thing remains constant in every resume that I have and that is experience in non-profit health care. I never really did it on purpose or had this underlying drive to only work with health related non-profits. I have done PR volunteering with a nonprofit health clinic, a pregnancy center, and I have done several research projects relating communications and health.

Looking at my resume in this new light has given me a much clearer direction in the kind of non-profit I would like to work for. It was like a light bulb went off in my head that reminded me of how much health care interests me. It seems I found direction even when I wasn't looking for it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Always Learning!

For my practicum this semester I am working on the 1st Annual Middle Georgia Student Diversity Conference. This has given me a new side of Public Relations. I have worked on event planning before, but not this scale of event planning.

One valuable skill I have learned is learning how to write a letter addressing a business. One of my responsibilities as a practicum student is to be the Publisher Liaison. I am in the process of contacting publishers to attend the event. I have created a professional letter inviting them to attend and also to sponsor the event.

Also I have learned how to work with a lot of people on one project. There are many people involved in the conference. I am learning how to take initiative and see what needs to be done, before someone has to ask me to do it. They all are wearing different hats in the event and it is my responsibility to make sure that the publicity side is taken care of.

In working with this event and events/projects I have learned to adapt a new kind of time management. One that is laid out very well in this article from Bizmore by Eric Reyes . On of the biggest things I have learned is not to check my email constantly, but rather to schedule when I check my email, because otherwise I will spend time responding to emails when there are more timely things to be done.

The conference is not until April and I am looking forward to more opportunities I will have grow as a public relations professional.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Twitter Challenge

This week my Public Relations Campaigns class was assigned a Twitter Challenge. We were challenged to start using twitter as means on networking and also to expand our tweet capabilities. 5 tweets a day doesn't seem that difficult at first. It doesn't seem that difficult, until it is the end of the day and you feel that you have nothing of any worth to share with the world. The true difficulty of this challenge was to use twitter as a meaningful tool of communication, rather than just a place for ambiguous thoughts.

Twitter has the power to connect the masses, but also it has the unique power to connect individuals who would otherwise never be connected. A part of the challenge was to follow more public relations professionals. I have been actively trying to follow more people and companies in the PR industry, the advertising industry and the news industry.

Several professionals have started following me back which in turn makes me reevaluate the image I am portraying on my twitter page. Having personal tweets are just fine, but if they portray me in a negative light, then my followers will see that. If I am counting on my followers to provide networking opportunities then I should be very careful how I package myself on Social Networking sites. I should try to present myself in the best way possible, not just avoiding a negative image, but building a positive image. I need to make it a goal to use thoughtful, insightful, and honest tweets to build my repuation. I don't need to pretend to be someone else, I just need be professional.

I look forward to continuing to use Twitter and other social netorks to build my repuation and to make connections.