Today I am a part of thousands of people blogging about climate change for Blog Action Day!
Climate Change. Why should I care? Why should YOU care? The truth is most of us don’t know why we should care. Climate change seems to be an ambiguous idea that doesn't directly affect any of us. So why should we care?
I could sit here all day and type a list of the reasons why we should care. I could tell you all about how every time we drive our car, use a hairdryer or microwave a meal we are emitting greenhouse gasses. But why would you listen to me? Why would you care?
One great privilege of Public Relations is ability to connect other people. I feel that the most powerful communication occurs when people can connect and relate to each other. Communicating does not mean cramming your opinions and beliefs down someone else’s throat, but rather about opening up the dialogue and gaining awareness. Opening up dialogue and making people more aware allows people to come to their own conclusions and take ownership of their opinions and views.
In order to gain more awareness and open up the dialogue on climate change I would propose a campaign.
I would propose a campaign that focused on everyday people and why the issue of climate change is important to them. The whole idea behind it would be to have a variety of people that many different people could relate to.
My proposal would have these major components….
1. Interviews that focused on the simple question-“Why does climate change matter to you?” Or “Why do you care about climate change?”
The interviews would be short and focus on what everyday people think.
2. The interviews would be compiled into PSA’s, advertisements to be placed in magazines and possibly even billboards.
I don’t have any idea how people would answer the question, but I do know how I would answer it.
Why do I care about climate change?
I care because living on this beautiful planet is a privilege and I want my future children to experience the same privilege.
Why do you care?
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