All through out my college career I have dreamed of working with a non-profit organization. Throughout my career as a PR student I have had the opportunity to volunteer with many non-profits and get hands on experience. Even though I had the deep desire to go into non-profit, I never really knew for sure what kind of non-profit I wanted to work with.
While preparing for my internship I have tweaked my resume several times creating a few different versions of my resume. One thing remains constant in every resume that I have and that is experience in non-profit health care. I never really did it on purpose or had this underlying drive to only work with health related non-profits. I have done PR volunteering with a nonprofit health clinic, a pregnancy center, and I have done several research projects relating communications and health.
Looking at my resume in this new light has given me a much clearer direction in the kind of non-profit I would like to work for. It was like a light bulb went off in my head that reminded me of how much health care interests me. It seems I found direction even when I wasn't looking for it.